NOTE: Performance Arts is now at 1 pm, with gathering at 12:30.
Although online pre-registration is closed, you may download the entry forms for individual entries or for a group entry and have them filled out before you arrive. This will save you time!
NOTE: Please read the entry requirements and categories here. Pay special attention to the group entry requirements for this year.
Individual Entry Form (Word)
Group Entry Form (Word)
When you arrive, you will either hand in this sheet, or fill one out at the desk. You will be given index cards with your entrant number on them and the level you have chosen to enter, and asked whether you want comments from the judges or not (if you do not, we will put stickers on your entrant cards). You are responsible for making sure that each entry has the card attached to it (we will have ribbon, tape and safety pins), and that your entrant number is written at the top of your documentation, which stays with your entry.
If the judges cannot find your entrant number and it is not on your documentation, your entry will not be judged. Your documentation stays with your entry. You must have multiple copies of your documentation if you have cross-entries (one for each entry).
Judges will leave comments in sealed envelopes with your entries. Please pick them up with your entry when judging is over.
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